Where: Ghana
What: At the Market
When: Daytime on Friday
Why: To purchase wares & to socialize
Who: The Ghana people
How: Come to the town center on Friday and enjoy the market
I love Friday because it's Market day - tables and make-shift walls are set up all over to display each sellers' objects.
I can socialize with friends and strangers, and maybe have a serendipitous moment.
The sea of people at the market flows down and around the street as far as you can see.
There is a building under construction – men stand under the structure with no walls to escape the heat and enjoy the shade.
Oh, the colors of the clothes people wear – bright and vibrant, echoing their personalities.
The ladies with strong necks can carry wares stacked on their heads.
The old bus rolls into town carrying eager locals to the market. Maybe some brave tourists too.
The buildings are time worn, but are flourishing with businesses and apartments.
If you need a suitcase or some fabric, or you just want to socialize, come to the market on Friday.